Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Triplet Genders Revealed!!!

For those who know me, they know just how strong willed I can be. That is why this is so hilarious, and why I just can't stiffle the guteral laughs. We are so excited and having so much fun with this pregnancy. Can't wait to see our little ones!

Monday, May 28, 2012


Looks like we made it! So glad to have passed the first major mark in this pregnancy!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oh Hi There!!

So my seeester made a very good point today: if you have a blog, you have to update it. Too true!! The last couple weeks have been mostly uneventful, which in my book is a good thing. The GBs are big enough now that you cannot look at one in an ultrasound without seeing little snippets of the others (ie, while looking at baby B swallowing a little baby C foot made an appearance off to the right). I received a quick little kick to the hand this week after poking around at the babies as they were all hanging out at my belly button. I honestly bounced up out of the bed, ran around, and shouted "eeeeeeee" for about five minutes. The kick was a one time thing (so far) though I definitely have felt flutters each time I eat. Jeff and I are both very impatient to find out if we are having boys or girls, but we will be happy no matter what we end up with (just need happy, healthy, and human!). If we end up with three o one sex we may be in trouble as we can only agree on two names for each male and female. Oh dear. We could find out as soon as the first of June, but it might be too early. As soon as I feel motivated enough I'll put together a compilation of the first trimester bump photos. I'm currently feeling huge, but am just looking pregnant, but not too pregnant yet.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goldie Locks and the Three Gummy Bears

Greetings Ladies and Gents and welcome to the Karraziness that is going to be our home! I'm currently 11 weeks & 2 days pregnant with TRIPLETS!!!! For those of you who don't know the back story I'll try to make it short. Jeff and I have been happily married for the last 5 years (almost 6 already!!), and have been trying to grow our family for the last two years but have only angel babies to show for it. Yes, we had assistance getting to this point, so we weren't totally shocked to find out we are having three little ones. I like to refer to our babies as the GBs (that's Gummy Bears for those who don't already know). It is a little scary (okay, a lot) to have so many on the way all at once, specifically with our history of loss. However, it really feels as if these little ones intend to stick around. We hope to have them all with us by the end of the year. Nov 26 is the technical due date, but with three it's more likely going to be October. I'll add a few pictures of the bump and the babies to start, and will try to update semi-regularly. There may be a fair amount of whining and silliness on here, so consider yourselves warned! Thanks for coming along on this adventure with us!!